Tiny Heirloom - Featuring WirelessOne


Tiny Heirloom crafts each high-end tiny home to meet the differing expectations of every homeowner. So every home is unique, and can range in weight from 12,000 pounds all the way up to 22,000 pounds.

Jeremy L., Director of Operations for Tiny Heirloom, feels that it can be very dangerous hauling that much weight without the right equipment.

That’s why they installed the LoadLifter 7500 XL and the WirelessOne on-board compressor system on their shop truck. Jeremy says it’s amazing to jump out of the truck and be able to increase or decrease the ride height as needed, with one touch of the remote.

How does it feel after getting Air Lift on the truck?

“It’s like you’re getting a bigger truck when you get Air Lift.”

Jeremy is a self-proclaimed “Air Lifter for life” and says everyone who owns a tiny home should get Air Lift.

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